Help Taiji Dolphins

Take Action: Help Us Save the Dolphins!
Everyone can make a difference

 “People from around the world need to know this barbaric and cruel slaughter is still going- “Save the Whales Again!” Campaign Director, Jeff Pantukhoff. “People need not only to take notice, they need to take action!”

1. Watch The Cove movie and spread the word!
2. Sign the petition to stop dolphin slaughter in Taji:
Go online @
Letters to President Obama, Vice President Biden & the Japanese Ambassador to the United States can all be sent with one click.
3. Take the pledge! Don’t buy tickets to dolphin shows, or pay to swim or see dolphins in captivity.
4. Text 44144: Your text pledge will help with organizing efforts in Japan.
5. Check out: the new Animal Planet series Blood Dolphin$, about Ric O’Barry’s work to protect dolphins worldwide.
6. Send a letter to WAZA (World Association of Zoos & Aquariums).
WAZA has the power to stop the subsidies of the slaughter of dolphins in Taiji from the captive industry.
7. Donate!
8. Go to Japan and actively help!
==> visit Save Japan Dolphins
9. . Call your Japanese Embassy and tell them to STOP the Taiji dolphin slaughter today:
-In the United States call:  202-238-6700
-In the United Kingdom call:  020-7465-6500
-In Canada call: 613-241-8541
-In Australia call: 61-2-6273-3244
-In France call: 01-48-88-62-00
-In Germany call: 030-21094-0
-In Italy call:  39-06-487-991
-In Norway call: 47-22-99-16-00
-In New Zealand call: 04-473-1540

Hayden’s Dolphin Story:


3 Responses to Help Taiji Dolphins

  1. Pingback: If Our Oceans Die, We Die | swimmingfree

  2. ∞ “And those who dismiss love for our fellow creatures as mere sentimentality overlook a good and important part of our humanity. But it takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal. And it is actually within us to grant them a happy life and a long one.” – Joaquin Phoenix | EARTHLINGS

  3. Mo Brock says:

    Excellent piece. Keep up the great work!!

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